
Hello GWSS 3307! My name is Maeve and I am a sophomore here at the University. I am majoring in Child Psychology and minoring in Spanish, GWSS, and Family Violence Prevention. My experience as a feminist has been a long and ever expanding one and I have countless people/experiences/things to thank for that. My experience with academic feminist study is more brief but one I am very grateful to have had (& will continue to have). My women’s studies class in high school had a very white feminist curriculum and lacked intersectionality. My first GWSS class was Skin, Sex, and Genes and it so far remains one of my favorite classes I’ve taken. It was a very theory, concept, theme heavy class and I’m so glad that it was one of my very first classes at the University because I gained so much conceptual, foundational knowledge that’s already been applicable in nearly all of my classes. I haven’t studied film much but I love it dearly. I go through movies and T.V. shows like doing so is equivalent to drinking water so the list of things I recently watched/enjoyed is…extensive. So just one, I just finished season 1 of the Sinner and having gone into it after hearing great things, I had high expectations and they were surpassed twice over. My twitter is @maevemedley just like on here!

Hello! I’m Emily

I am currently a sophomore studying Marketing and Finance. FEMINISM FOR LIFE! I have been a part of an activist march for women’s rights in NYC, and I am an exec for a non-profit org on campus that provides scholarships for girls in low-income countries. I have not had much experience in film studies, but I am excited to learn! Some of my favorite shows/movies are This is Us, Wonder Woman, Friends, and How I Met Your Mother.

Twitter Handle: FemEm2

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